Don't Just Take Our Word For It

"Vendors were all comparable, but the seamless interface between Touchpoint and Frontline was a huge selling point. Also, you could log in via computer, but setting up a computer station could be a lot of hassle, and a physical computer and USB device could potentially grow legs and walk off. Touchpoint was a simple solution."
IT Department in Louisiana

“We used the exact same prox cards; we didn’t have to adjust anything. The whole system has helped reduce my workload. It has been a big help, to be honest, especially with speed and accuracy.”
Payroll Coordinator in Oklahoma

“I want the hardware to be an afterthought and Touchpoint has made that happen. No more 'oops, the scanner got unplugged.' No secondary equipment to go bad. It's all about making it simple and accurate. Just 'beep' and you're off.”
Director of Business Services in Minnesota

“We like the ease of use and convenience of having a card and scanning it. It definitely increases accuracy with our time. Touchpoint has met our goals and we are happy with it. We are pleased with the system; overall, the experience was very positive.”
Payroll/Business Office in Wyoming
IT Department Feedback
"We contract with somebody who does internal security scans a couple of times a year and the SmartClocks never come up on any of our audits as issues."
IT Department
“Yeah, people really like the SmartClocks. Even places like our business area, which I didn't think they would use them very much because they're computer based people anyway. They still sign in with the SmartClock just because it's so much faster and easier for them."
Director of IT
South Dakota
"Our techs are spread very thin and each cover multiple schools. I'm glad we have the clocks because a DIY setup would be a nightmare.
We have 50+ clocks for Frontline and I have not had a single one fail."
IT Department
South Carolina
"Our users prefer the badges to the finger scanner. With 6 school buildings, we're way too big not to have time clocks."
“We are very impressed with the SmartClocks and they have been a good fit for us. This area was completely unknown to me. In the past we have only used chromebooks for our staff to login and enter their time. This is the first time we have used fob readers and have been thoroughly impressed. The time we have been able to save is remarkable.”
Business Manager
“I've pitched Veritime and Frontline and Touchpoint the whole thing. I've pitched it to all of them before, until I'm blue in the face. I’m just like, okay, Some can try to keep with your paper timesheets, but I couldn't take it anymore. This was the solution"
Business Office Feedback
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